Saturday, January 23, 2010

Interesting thing about relationships...

Lately I have been thinking about the relationships between people... all kinds of relationships: between friends, siblings, husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, and I think that I have come to some conclusion about them...
One thing is for sure that relationships all seem to be very fluid... people seem to think that there are rules that have to be followed when it comes to relationships, but I don't believe that. Everyone is different and every relationship is different... obviously there are those relationships that are hard to define because of the mix of emotion that can get involved, but in the end every relationship has it's basic foundation... two people who care for and respect each other. The caring and respect can be so complex and have so many different levels that I'd like to believe the possibilities are infinite.

I was having a conversation with someone recently and remember saying to this person that relationships are fluid, people hold the containers that they want their relationship to be and as a result make the boundaries for themselves. Since relationships are fluid they change, grow, move, and manuever, and its all ok. I think that once you are ok with how things are moving, once a person says out loud that they are comfortable with what is happening with their friends, husbands, wives or siblings that everything else just moves along with your inner growth. There are no rules unless you make them. There is no cookie cutter for what a real relationship is supposed to look like or be. I think that if people were to pay more attention to themselves and their own actions that the affect on others would be so much greater. Thinking about what you do and how you do it definitely changes you. I speak from experience with that.

A relationship with God is the most important relationship that anyone could have, in my humble opinion, and I would never attempt to put a boundary on that so why attempt to have rules for what we think we should be feeling, or doing?... unless of course what we are doing is deliberately harming someone else.

Just some thoughts... they are probably all scrambled and I'll have to reread just to make sense of myself but I think I got everything I wanted to say down...

Lulu ;)


  1. yes, relationships are fluid and society tends to hand you the containers in which we are supposed to put people. i've always been pretty free flowing about titles, names and boundaries. my friends were cousins and my cousin's sister and my ex's sister my sister and so on.. and so forth. lol. so, yes, free flowing, fluid...and sometimes the containers get cracks in them and contents leak out the damn hole and makes a mess in the fridge.

    let's put our relationship in these containers
